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Il piacere dell’Arte dal 1974


Gianfranco Ciaffi founded what is now known as the EDARCOM EUROPA art gallery in Rome in 1974. The gallery initially focused on the publication and marketing of works by major Italian and international artists of the second half of the twentieth century, and to this day, the gallery boasts a collection of lithographs, screen prints and engravings that is unique both in terms of quantity and quality. The great masters of the twentieth century are represented alongside artists who are still active on the contemporary art scene.

The EDARCOM EUROPA art gallery is situated in the heart of the Appio Latino district of the capital, between the city centre and the Appian Way Regional Park. Since the late 1980s, its dynamic exhibition policy has led to it showcasing the work of many of the most renowned Italian artists. It also has a vast experience in organising exhibitions in important museums and prestigious venues.

Francesco Ciaffi has run the gallery with his father Gianfranco since 2005. Today, in addition to promoting the back catalogue of established Italian names, the gallery pays due attention to artists who have enjoyed traditional training, but are now involved in their specific artistic research. In order to guarantee a client’s pleasure in collecting art, Gianfranco and Francesco Ciaffi privilege the originality of each artists’ own language as well as the direct relationship between the artist and the work itself.

In line with current developments, a new website for e-commerce was created in 2019 as a space where the images and details of all the works in the gallery’s catalogue can be viewed easily, anywhere and at anytime. There is also the chance to purchase the works directly, and clearly with all the assurances that can be provided by an actual gallery with over forty years of solid reputation in the art market.


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By filling out the form I consent to the use of my data after having read and understood the privacy policy in all its parts as required by the European Regulation GDPR 2016/679

Art Gallery Edarcom Europa srl | P.I. 03885151005 © 2024 | Site created by TZ Comunicazione srl | ALL RIGHTS RESERVED